The internet-Alokkumar



Electronic mail service (know as e-mail in short) enables an internet user to send a mail (message) to anthor internet user in any part of the world in a near-real-time manner An e-mail message takes a few seconds to several minutes to reach its destination because it's travel from one net network to anthor until it reaches its destination....

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1.It is Faster than paper mail..

2.Unlike telephone the person communicating needed not be available at the same time....

3.Unlike fax document e-mails. Document can be stored in a computer and can be edited easily using editing programs.....

2.File Transfer Protocol

File transfer protocol serviced (know as FTP in short) enabled an internet8 users to move a file from one computer to anthor on the Internet. A File may contain any type of digital information --- textural documentation, 

image, artwork, movie, sound, software, etc. Moving a file from a remote computer to one's own COMPUTER is known as downloading the file and moving a file from one's own computer to a remote controls computer is known as uploading the file.....

              ⚡BY USING FTP SERVICE⚡

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3.The World Wide Web=(www)

The world wide web (called WWW or Q3 in short ) is the most popular popular And promising method of accessing the internet8. Main reason for its popularity is use of a consept called hypertext. Hypertext is a new way of 

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information storage. And retrieval  that enables anthors to structures information in novel ways. An effectively designed hypertext document can help users locate desired type of information rapidly from vast amount of information on the Internet......etc


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