
Showing posts with the label Windows 7

Windows 7

  WINDOWS 7 Um die Nachteile bei der Verwendung von DOS zu vermeiden, werden die Fenster des Betriebssystems DOS vorgezogen, da diese sehr grafisch sind und über Bildformen mit dem Benutzer interagieren. Daher handelt es sich bei Fenstern um GUI-Typen (Graphical User Interface). Die Verwendung einer Maus ist in der Windows-Umgebung unerlässlich.      Die erste Version von Windows Version 1 wurde 1985 von der Microsoft Corporation in den USA als Ergänzung zu DOS entwickelt, um die Einschränkungen zu vermeiden. Diese Version wird von der Computerwelt aufgrund einiger Einschränkungen nicht akzeptiert. Die nächsten Versionen sind 1.2, 2.1 und 3.0. Die erste erfolgreiche Version von Windows ist jedoch Windows 3.1 und wurde 1992 veröffentlicht. Windows-Betriebssystem Die Version Windows 3.1 gewann nicht viel an Popularität. Die Computerbenutzer akzeptierten die Fenster Ende der achtziger Jahre, als Windows 3.1 auf die Arbeitsgruppenversion Windows 3.11 aktualisiert wurde. ...

What is CPU usage changed-technicalcfg

What is CPU usage changed-technicalcfg The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... See Article History Alternative Title: CPU Central processing unit (CPU), principal part of any digital computer system, generally composed of the main memory, control unit, and arithmetic-logic unit. It constitutes the physical heart of the entire computer system; to it is linked various peripheral equipment, including input/output devices and auxiliary storage units. In modern computers, the CPU is contained on an integrated circuit chip called a microprocessor. circuit board circuit board Computer circuit board containing a microprocessor. The microprocessor chip contains the central processing unit (CPU). Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.   Central processing unit QUICK FACTS RELATED TOPICS Computer Mi...

What is excel | एक्सेल क्या है

  What is Excel However, the variation relate by Excel in the third fill is three 0's succeed by a succession of thirteen 1's and two supernumerary misleading digits. Students can teach how to necessity Excel with remedy represent. In the third fortify, one is abstract from the completion worn Excel. There are also inconsiderable contention between how some of the Excel activity manufacture.[27] Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet plant which bestow one to record numeral luminosity or data into the rank or columns of a spreadsheet, and to application these numeral entries for such stuff as calculations, plot, and statistical analysis. Students can teach how to employment Excel with remedy sample. Links to tutorials and dig activities sketch for erudition Excel fundamentals in a art Tex. How to appoint, efface, and move lodge and folders in Google Drive. Although this amount has a decimal show that is an endless succession of once, Excel spread out only the chief 15 figures. Wher...

Computer generation-technicalcfg

  Computer generation Computer generation is leading to greater accurate sizing and score techniques for system system. warmth exchangers are designed with high-precision prediction methods and complex numerical techniques to account for the nearby glide and temperature conditions. fouling mitigation is simply changing from an art to a technological know-how-primarily based era. the actual advantages of sophisticated design codes will no longer be carried out with out dependable fouling prediction methods and mitigation techniques that can be incorporatedInto the layout segment. current tendencies inside the computer era provide an possibility to productively use fouling facts that is scattered in the literature, enterprise log books, and in reports. a protracted-time period goal for the industry is to increase a information-primarily based system for designing and working warmness exchangers with a minimum effect of water fouling. the major challenges to expand the expertise-based...

Dart programming languages-technicalcfg-Alokkumar

  dart programming languages 2.Dart programming  Darth ID another opening sourced broadlyl and lateral endorses as a normal by EMMA. Dart is another programmingsa language implied for their worker just as the programming. Presenter by Google's, the Dart SDKS ships with its compiled – the Dart VM. The SDKS additionallys incorporates an utility - dart2js, a transpired that produces JavaScript frameworks likeness a Dart Script. This instructional exercise gives a fundamental level comprehension of the Dart programming language.  2.Audience   This instructional exercise will be very useful for every one of those designers who need to create single-page web applications utilizing Dfgpart. It is intended for developers with a solid hang on object-arranged ideas.  Essentials  The instructional exercise accepts that the perusers have sufficient PRESENTATION to protest arranged programming ideas. In the event that you have chipped away at JavaScript, at that point i...

The internet-Alokkumar

 The-Internet-technicalcfg 1.ELECTRONIC-MAIL Electronic mail service (know as e-mail in short) enables an internet user to send a mail (message) to anthor internet user in any part of the world in a near-real-time manner An e-mail message takes a few seconds to several minutes to reach its destination because it's travel from one net network to anthor until it reaches its destination.... 1.It is Faster than paper mail.. 2.Unlike telephone the person communicating needed not be available at the same time.... 3.Unlike fax document e-mails. Document can be stored in a computer and can be edited easily using editing programs..... 2.File Transfer Protocol File transfer protocol serviced (know as FTP in short) enabled an internet8 users to move a file from one computer to anthor on the Internet. A File may contain any type of digital information --- textural documentation,  image, artwork, movie, sound, software, etc. Moving a file from a remote computer to one's own COMPUTER is ...

Multimedia applications-Alokkumar || englishstory0

Multimedia applications 1.MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION Multimedia applications can present information in a variety of form (text, graphics, animation, audio, video) involving use of our multiple senses. Hence, multimedia presentation can be used to  explain a subject matter in a much better manners to and audience's because it enhancedks a person's comprehensive capability. It is extredmelsly effectiveness in   getting across need ideas and concepfts. Moredlovder, it helps in madjking a presentation mfore interestimeng, and has inevitapdble effect of grabbing and holding a person's attention.... 2.Foreing Language Learning  Using a Book for learning a foreing language is difficult because one is not sure how to pronounce words written in textural from. Such a book often has an accompanying audiotape to solve this problem. Button it is inconvenieent for any learner to keep  rewinding the tapes to find specifically informational. More the Lerner also does not have fle...

Business Data Processing-Technicalcfg

  ✍️ DATABASE-ORIENTED APPROACH 1.Limited query flexibility. In file-oriented approach, records in a file are organized according to a key. Hence, queries based on key field value can be processed quickly. However when the key field is not relevant to desired information entire file has to be searched. For example if the key field is employed-code in an employee file and if we need to list names of all employees having certain edukcational is background a search of all records in required to produce this information if this information is needed frequently a new file structure on educational background key has be created with a New program to process this file.... 2.Data redundancy In file- oriented approach same data items are included often in many different files for instance in the example above of creating a new file structured on background key the new file will also have several data items stored in the first employees File similary let us assume that a bank user file-orient...

Operating system Microsoft windows-Alokkumar

  OPERATING SYSTEM Operating system Microsoft windows-Alokkumar 1.File Access Method To use information stored in a file, it must be accessed and read in main memory. Two commonly supported file Access Method at operating system level are sequential and random access. They are described below. {1}.Sequential Access File Sequential Access File are used normally with Sequential Access storage media, such as magnetic tap. Contents of a Sequential Access File can be accessed only Sequentially. That is, a process can read the bytes or records in the files in the order in which they are stored, startting at the beginning. Reading of bytes or records  randomly or out of order in not possible. A Sequential Access, however, can be rewound and read as often as needed... {2}. Random Access File  Random Access File are used normally with Random Access storage media, such as magnetic or optical disk. Unlike a Sequential Access Fil, contents of a random Access File can be accessed rand...

input and output device keyboard-technicalcfg

  INPUT-OUTPUT DEVICE'S 1.INPUT DEVICES An input device is an electromechanical device that accept data from outside world and translation them into a form a computer can interpret. Several input devices available today. They can broadly classified into following categories: 1.Keybord 2.Point-and-draw devices  3.Data scanning devices 4.Digitzer 5.Electronic card based devices 6.Speech recognition devices 7.Vision based devices 🔊.Keyboard Devices Keyboard development are the most commonl used inputting device today's. They allow entry into a computer system by pressing a set of key ( labeled buttons) neatly mounted on a keyboard connected to a computer system. The most popular keyboard used today is the 101-key (QWERTY-Keybord) 2.POINT-AND-DRAW-DEVICES Internationa with computer was initially restricted mainly to text mode. However, it was soon realized that. A GUI provides a screen with rapidly point to and select a graphic icon or menu item from the  multiple optio...

Basic computer organization storage device-technicalcfg

Chapter 2   BASIC COMPUTER ORGANIZATION 1.INPUTUNIT Data and instructions must enter a computer system before the computer can perform any computation on the supplied data.Data and instructions enter a computer through an input unit in a form tha depends upon the input device used.  However, a computer's memory is designed to accept input in binary code and hence, all input devices must transform input signal to binary codes. Units called input interface accomplish this transformation. Input interface match the unique physical or electronic characteristics of input devices to the requirements of a computer system ✍️.It accept (or reads) introduction and data from outside world. ✍️.It converts these introduction and data in computer acceptable form. ✍️.It supplies the converted introduction and data to computer system for further processing. 2.OUTPUT An outputting unit performs the reverse operation officer that of input unith. It supplied information optained have from data p...

Characteristics of computer science and technology-technicalcfg

  CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTERS 1. Automatic An automatic Machine work by itself without human intervention. Computer are Automatic Machine because once started on a job, they carry out the job (Normally without any human assistance) unitl it is finished. However, computer being Machine cannot start themselves and cannot go out and find their own problems and solutions. Some of the other characteristics of computer ( such as speed and accuracy ) are because they are Automatic and work on a problem without anny human intervention 2. Speed A computer is a very fast device. It can perform in few seconds, the amount of work that a human being can do in an  entire year-if he/she worked day and night and did nothing else. . While taking about the speed of a computer we do not talk in terms of seconds or even milliseconds (10-3) but in terms of microseconds (10-6), nanosecond (10-9), and even picoseconds (10-12) 3. Accuracy In addition to begin very fast , computer are very accurate. ...